
When it comes to handling the manpower of a specific organization, no matter how small or big it is, the Human Resource Department comes into the picture. There are times when the internal HRD is unable to handle the workforce requirement and thus, the organization hires a third party HR service provider so that its requirements are met and it has some of the best candidates for the final interviewing process. There are also times when some of the small organizations don’t have their very own HRDs and thus, they prefer hiring third parties so that their tasks do not pause.
It doesn’t matter if you belong to the internal HRD of a specific company or the external one, all that matters is that you host the process of recruitment in such a way that you know which candidates are required for which position and why.
As an HR department executive or manager, there may be a lot of things that you handle, but recruitment is that thing that you need to be very particular about. It is the action of finding (or head hunting for) new people in the organization. People often confuse recruitment with selection, but the former is nothing but the first step towards the latter concept.
If recruitment is one of the processes that are in your hands, you have got to read the following 12 tips to improve yourself in the field:
1. Before recruiting people from outside, check what you can do with the ones that are inside: There are a lot of organizations that build certain positions and then search for candidates to fill them; if you think there are internal candidates who can fill up the positions in an effective way, you can always reach out to them and have a word with them. A good thing about hiring internal candidates is that they are already known and trained.
2. Pay well so that you can attract better: What can attract smart headed people to the vacancy in your organization? A better pay, of course! You need to attract the best crowd for your company with the help of a fatter salary; in fact, the pay has to be better than that of your competitor companies. Only then, you would be able to get the best headed individuals for your floor.
3. Make sure you are popular as a great employer, despite the size of your business: If you want the best candidates to come to your doorstep, the best thing to do is treat your employees in such a good way that they popularize you in a positive way in the market. When you are known as a good employer, people find ways to approach to you so that they can work under the roofs of your organization. Comfort has to be built for your employees in your organization so that they talk only good about you outside.
4. Try to involve your employees in the process of hiring so that they get into head hunting too: If you don’t want to spend a lot of money in the recruitment process, you can tell the already existing employees to refer their friends or family members. You can lure them by providing them with a certain percentage of commission; they would surely get the best lot for you.
5. Use online portals for recruiting good candidates: There are so many online portals where employers and candidates connect; no doubt you have to invest a little bit of money on such portals, but it is worth all the time and money you pay for it. Such portals make recruitment process easier.
6. Host telephonic rounds so that the time investment is less on personal interview sessions: Telephonic sessions take time too, but not as much as you need to spend on personal interview sessions. Therefore, go for telephonic sessions so that you learn about all the candidates who have applied for different vacancies in your organization. You can then forward the applications of the best ones!
7. Check social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.: Social media websites have gained immense popularity because of all those job opportunities that people are offered; if you don’t want to advertise yourself, simply look for people that can match the job roles you have put down on the paper.
8. Remember the old friends you once had; if you think they would want to work with you, why not give it a try by calling them? There can be nothing better than working with your old friends; call them and ask them if they would like to be a part of your business – but as an employee.
9. Use your strengths in order to recruit the best crowd: Have you ever looked at all the strengths that you have in your organization? Jot them down and advertise them so that the candidates can get attracted to all the things that they would be provided with, when they associate themselves with the name of your business. You can promote these strengths on social media websites as well.
10. If you can’t do it alone, find a team that can do it for you: There comes a situation when you are unable to focus on the workforce requirements of your organization; this is the time when you can hire external HR organizations. Also, if you have absolutely no idea about where to begin from, when it comes to recruiting candidates for different vacant positions in your organization, you can take the help of third parties.
11. Advertise yourself on social media websites by promoting your business and the link of your website: It is okay to invest a little bit of time or find a team that can do it for you – when you promote your business the next time on social media, make sure you put a one-liner that talks about the vacancies in your organization. When you do that on Facebook, Twitter and other such social media websites, people are bound to get attracted towards your business and send in their applications or bio-data to reach out to you or the team that handles the recruitment process for you.
12. Make sure you check references when you are recruiting: Have you ever thought of checking references when you are on the process of recruiting? If not, then this is your time to learn about how to check references. If you want good employees to work for you, make sure you get a feedback about them. All the organizations have started doing this and thus, they get the best applications.
13. Are the tips so simple? Well, they may seem simple, but they are quite difficult. Recruitment is far tougher than selection because the process has to be conducted in such a way that the process of selection is effortless. All the people selected during the time of recruitment have got to be smart, well-qualified and well-read and only then they can be sent further for the final selection round. When you use these tips during the process of recruitment, you are bound to get the best heads for your organization!


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