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    (Note: Hiring For Only Mid to Senior Level Candidates)

    Hire Top Tech, Digital, & Mobile talent for less than 4.33%

    Try HR Dedicated Resource Model Today And Get…

    → A Dedicated Full-time Recruiter
    → 100% Guaranteed Closure
    → Expert HR Guidance and Support
    Free HR software for 6 months and much more.

    Dedicated Resource Model

    Considering the current market scenario we have launched a new recruitment model, we called it the Dedicated Resource Model to provide you with a partnership to cater holistically to the organization’s talent needs – a one-stop solution to all your HR needs. With this model, we are doing away with the industry trend of charging a % on every successful hire. You just need to pay us a fixed fee for the month, open to a progress review after the first month and you can hire as many candidates as you want in that period.

    You will pay a monthly retainer fee, mutually decided by the client and us.
    We will assign a dedicated recruiter to your organization.
    Hire as many candidates as you want in that period

    Sign up Now

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      (Note: Hiring For Only Mid to Senior Level Candidates)

      Why Should You Opt For DRM?

      • Pay once and hire as many as you want.
      • Expert HR Guidance and Hand-Holding.
      • The one-stop-shop for all your Hiring and HR Needs.
      • Full time dedicated recruiter exclusively assigned to you.
      • No long term contract or commitment.

      What Do We Guarantee?

      Free access to StartupHR Toolkit Pro, to solve all your HR problems instantly.
      Weekly reports of profiles, interviews, & positions.
      Complete handling of talent acquisition and HR process setup, on request.
      Free 6 months HR & Payroll software.
      Discounted employee insurance for all your employees.
      Closure on all the mandates shared with us.
      Recruitment agencies in India

        The Future of HR Document Management is Here!
        Get Access Now

        Looking for simple solutions to HR issues?

        Rely on us for all your Recruitment and HRMS needs worldwide.

        Background verification

        Pay Once, Hire Unlimited!

        Get in touch with us and start hiring now

        Grab a Huge Discount on HR Software - Limited Time Offer!

        Grab a Huge Discount on HR Software - Limited Time Offer!