
How to validate the Candidate’s Resume is honesty written

Many people search for jobs and do not get many offers. That is one of the reasons why they start lying about their qualifications, skills, and proficiencies. However, it is very risky if you lie about anything on your resume, if you get caught, it can ruin your whole career. Resume solecism has become a very common issue in the recent competitive job market and the worst part of it is that they are not accidental, instead, they are intentional.

In today’s ambitious world, candidates have a fear that they are not good enough, and they worry about not being the same as their peers. The worst tension is that they do not get calls for interviews. So, in these situations, people do whatever it takes to get an edge over others.

Hence, lying on your resume can also put you skating along the same edge. Whether you tell a slight white lie or an overt fabrication, in case you are caught lying about it, that might easily destroy your career. Especially, in contemporary times when there is so much advancement of technology which has made it easy to get caught.

Ways to validate the candidate’s resume if it is written with honesty

1) Cross-check on social accounts

Mostly, social media background checks are not that helpful, but few employers think that they are. Checking candidate’s social accounts may reveal some bits of unflattering behavior, but finding the right account is not that easy and it is time-consuming as well. The only exception to these is LinkedIn.

If the applicant has a LinkedIn profile, you can cross-check whether the information on the resume and LinkedIn are the same. There can be some small discrepancies as at times people do not update their profile, but if the company’s name mentioned is the same but the job title or responsibilities are not the same, then the candidate can be easily caught.

2) Background checks

It is very convenient for hiring managers to approach previous employers/organizations and also educational institutions to cross-check with them whether whatever is written on the resume is true or not. And in case employers miss the false information before the candidate is hired, the job seeker is never off the hook. The applicant who lies in the resume is always in risk of getting caught.

3) Skill Test

The best thing you can do to know whether whatever is written in the resume is true or not is to do a pre-employment test. In those tests, you can ask the applicant to demonstrate whatever is written on the resume.

For example in a resume, if it is written that the person is good at MS Excel, you can give him some test accordingly and check if he knows that or not. Also if you are hiring the candidate for a technical process, then you can check if he is familiar with the software mentioned in the resume. A person can lie in the resume but cannot deceive in on-the-spot demonstrations of skills.

4) Interview Questions

A job interview is an interviewer’s chance to know more about the candidate and ask them in detail about the things mentioned in the resume. Every interviewer should use this opportunity well and ask some really smart HR interview questions. You should be smart enough to check the resume closely and ask the questions accordingly, such as if the candidate has mentioned everything very close to the job description, then you should focus more on that. Or if in the job a particular course or degree is needed, you should ask questions related to that so that it would make sure that the applicant knows about it well.

For example, if the candidate has mentioned everything very close to the job description, then you should focus more on that. Or if in the job a particular course or degree is needed, you should ask questions related to that so that it would make sure that the applicant knows about it well.

You might not be able to know exactly if he is saying the truth or not, but according to his reactions and answers, you would get to know that he is deceiving or saying the truth. Fictitious stories usually tend to fall apart faster in conversations than they do on a resume. So, ensure that you note when the candidate is dodging questions.

5) Outsource Verification Company

If your company does not have too many people to do the reference check, you can outsource different companies who can do a proper check of the candidate’s school, universities, and previous companies. The fight for high-performing candidates is increasing day by day and employers are looking for a consistent, loyal, skilled candidate.

That is the reason why more businesses are seeking help from background check providers so that they can assist them in the employment screening requirements. These checks are the best as they expose if the candidate is lying about any detail mentioned in the resume.

Outsourcing can also help in saving your valuable time and money. It enhances efficiency and benefits by ensuring that you stay compliant with the global workforce.


In this world of imperfection, we cannot expect that every resume is perfect and right. So, to be sure about the candidate’s resume, every interviewer should ask appropriate questions, do a proper background check, and follow all the above-mentioned steps before hiring him/her.

Doing a proper background check of the candidate is vital for an organization as it saves a lot of time and effort because a company invests a lot of time in giving training and delegating the work. After that, if at some point it comes out that the candidate was lying about anything mentioned in the resume it would be a sheer disappointment and the employer would have to start looking for another employee and start from scratch. So, it is always better to be sure about his qualifications and all the things mentioned in the resume.


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