
If you work at Sutra, you are offered the loveliest and arguably the most balanced work mantra; which is to work hard but party harder. So, this time we decided to put together snippets (not the embarrassing ones, obviously!) of an office party at one of the best companies to work for in Mumbai. And trust us, in the video we’ve only showed you half the madness that went down this Navratri. Speaking of which, please pardon some of the nautanki in the video, we’re just a bunch of young, loud and free individuals 🙂

Navratri Festivities at SutraSutra’s employees showing off their traditional outfits and pearly whites, ready for a real rager at the awesome office terrace. This is only half of us though, the rest are pulling hookah in the conference room…

Navratri Festivities at SutraOur founder, Waqar Azmi reciting the ingredients for a customized wrap (frankies) at the office pantry. I mean, what’s a party without delectable munchies. And our parties always have something yummy laid out, whether it’s kebabs or biryani or dosas or pizzas, we know the importance of a satisfied gut!

Navratri Festivities at SutraThe dhoom dhamaka continues. All smiles, gearing up for a dancing session. After all, what’s a balanced work mantra like ours without some music and masti!

Navratri Festivities at SutraBut first, picture time! Decked up and gleeful Sutra employees in a group picture with Waqar.

Navratri Festivities at SutraBack to the dancing. And as you can see, there’s some fun shaking of tail feathers and swishing of hair here and there.

Navratri Festivities at SutraWell, not only do you attend the parties, you may even volunteer to be part of the fun commotion of preparation and setup!

Navratri Festivities at SutraAnd finally, at Sutra, everyone can freely have inspirational one-on-ones with the founder of one of the best companies to work at in Mumbai.

Think you’ve got what it takes to follow our balanced work mantra to work hard and party harder? Do you see yourself fitting right into this crazy, hard working and happy-go-lucky work culture?

Visit our Careers page for job openings in Mumbai. We are looking for awesome people to join our teams:
1) HR & Recruitment
2) Sales / Business Development
3) Marketing
4) Operations
5) Technology
6) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

You can also call Namita on +91 922 045 9226 or (022) 4266 9487 or send us your resumes at careers@sutrahr.com NOW!


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