Hire Top Tech, Digital, & Mobile talent for less than 4.33%
Try HR Dedicated Resource Model Today And Get…
→ A Dedicated Full-time Recruiter
→ 100% Guaranteed Closure
→ Expert HR Guidance and Support
→ Free HR software for 6 months and much more.
Dedicated Resource Model
Considering the current market scenario we have launched a new recruitment model, we called it the Dedicated Resource Model to provide you with a partnership to cater holistically to the organization’s talent needs – a one-stop solution to all your HR needs. With this model, we are doing away with the industry trend of charging a % on every successful hire. You just need to pay us a fixed fee for the month, open to a progress review after the first month and you can hire as many candidates as you want in that period.
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(Note: Hiring For Only Mid to Senior Level Candidates)

Why Should You Opt For DRM?
What Do We Guarantee?
What Founders Says About SutraHR
SutraHR has taken a new approach towards startup recruitment and it’s resulted in a refreshing experience for hiring teams like ours. They understand what an entrepreneur wants for his startup.
What I most appreciate about SutraHR’s services is their innovation with helping startups hire the right people. When their DR Model was explained to me, I knew this was not only a smart idea but also extremely convenient for me to coordinate better with SutraHR’s recruiters.
I used to believe that finding the right talent and that too quick is next to impossible. But SutraHR proved me wrong. SutraHR is one of the best recruitment agencies in India & helped us save time & effort.