1. Your Job Description is bigger than your resume.
2. Everybody knows everybody!
3. Weekends mean only Sundays.
4. If you want to reach work before 10 am, you need to have the keys to the office.
5. You get excited when you hear someone whisper ‘Funding’.
6. Birthday gifts are crowd funded.
7. You can walk into office wearing what you wore to bed.
8. An outsider won’t be able to tell the founder from the employees.
9. Interns feel like an important part of the company.
10. You ask the CEO to call the AC guy for fixing the damaged AC.
11. You don’t think of switching the job because you fear things will be too formal there.
12. Small things like deciding the colour of the new bean bags and setting up the furniture are taken seriously and the decision is only made after all employees have given their opinion.
13. Your relatives look at you suspiciously when you tell them where you’re working.
14. Any excuse for pizza party is acceptable

15. The only free perk offered in office is coffee.
16. Leaving early is looked upon as a crime.
17. You’re expected to give in more work with fewer resources at hand.
18. You don’t work from home because office is home.
Had a good laugh? Share your laughter with coworkers and friends working a startup!
Is hiring for your startup proving to be troublesome for you? Give me a call on +91 87 67 427 427 or send me a quick mail at waqar [at} sutrahr dot com.
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