
Use SEO to Prepare Your Instagram for Social Marketing

The popularity of Instagram is growing exponentially. On this social networking site, people share photos to connect. If you are preparing the Instagram account of yours to promote social marketing, then you need to utilize Search Engine Optimization.

A content curator needs to master the creativity skills by using short description and photographs along with the relevant hashtags to reach to the potential audience. If your account already has decent followers, then you need to utilize Search Engine Optimization to do social marketing.

One cannot schedule their content or post according to Instagram’s desktop version. Perform social marketing with Instagram to build rapport, engagement and influence. Here are some new techniques that you can implement on your Instagram to prepare it for social marketing.

SEO Techniques for Social Marketing on Instagram

Brand’s Message: The initial step that you need to take is to align the brand’s message with your efforts. One can utilize short keywords and phrases along with relevant hashtags on the regular Instagram post. It is essential to solidify the brand message. The platform of Instagram is more about sharing photos, and hence the brand message should reach people through images.

Try to use the brand message along with the photographic content regularly on Instagram. To index the Instagram account on the relevant category, you need to use specific description and keywords relevant to the Instagram photo.

Contest: One can see that several influencers or brands carry out contests to increase the engagement of the followers. By arranging the contest, the brand will invest a very little amount but will see a rise in the number of new followers.

A contest that offers prize will help in boosting Instagram influence. It is important to ensure that the brand’s Instagram account has visually appealing content that the users will enjoy. The contest photo must be relevant and catchy so that it will compel the Instagram users to enter into the contest and share it with their friends. According to Huffpost.com, from the year 2015 to 2017, Instagram users have reached to more than 700 million and now in 2020 it has crossed one billion.

Hashtags and Keywords: For developing a social marketing strategy, everyone relies on different types of keyword planner. Make sure you are searching for the hashtags and keywords because it will help in optimizing the Instagram account. You can also use apps that will allow you to see what the other users are using on their hashtags.

The downside is that the applications won’t help in organizing the hashtags according to their relevance. So as a curator, it is your task to determine which keyword or hashtag will work optimally for your Instagram account. Do not create your hashtags unless your business is a big brand.

Instagram Business: Use Instagram business for advertising the brand’s message to increase visibility. After determining the Hashtags and key phrases that work optimally for Instagram’s social marketing now, you need to perform advertising.

After switching to the business account, you will get several options for advertising the account. You can search for metrics and target potential channels that can help in boosting the SEO without any hassle. To solidify the brand’s future, you need to keep aside some dollars and use it as an investment in the Instagram business. One can also buy Instagram followers and likes. Some companies provide organic followers and not just dead accounts.

Influencer Marketing: Content is the king and influencers are ruling the social marketing world. To push the brand’s message, you can collaborate with influencers. An influencer can be a popular blogger, celebrity or someone with a great network or large following. Find an influencer who can promote your brand and will suit the niche of your brand.

You can reach out to the influencers, and in lieu of free merchandise or fees, you can ask them to post about your brand. They will use relevant hashtags, keywords and tagging to boost your Instagram business account. Many brands have successfully utilized this option and have gained enormous reach within a short time.

Data: Different type of metrics and data determines the reach of any social media platform like Instagram. The algorithm of Instagram works differently. To end up in the search results of the user, you need to optimize the SEO.

Search engines are evolving continuously so even if your account gets indexed at a great position still you need to carry out SEO.


Social marketing on Instagram will become hassle-free if you know how to utilize SEO. Without SEO, all social networking websites will work but not optimally. Anyone who wants to create brand awareness or grow as a business through social media should always rely on SEO.

Little things come under the SEO, and minor changes can bring a huge leap in followers count. One can say that it is the small changes that create a big difference in SEO.


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