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Mumbai is clichéd for a lot more reasons than its nightlife. The buzzing streets and the people rendezvousing are the heart of the city.Being the commercial hub of the country, Mumbai is home to people from all over the country.

Prominently known as ‘The City Of Dreams’, people move to Mumbai with special motives –  dream, work, and conquer in that order.


20 things to know if you plan to move  to this Sapno ka Sheher.

1) Get used to the traffic: If you need to clock in @10, you must calculate the traffic from your area to your workplace and step out your door hours early to reach in accordance.  Most Mumbaikars spend two to six hours travelling to and from their workplace.

b5e4970fa37835d4af933a8a19b4af4e 2) Traffic excuse is your backup’s backup: The ones who’ve been staying here, are accustomed to the excuses for being late. Everyone has the same excuse – the traffic, which can’t be denied. Therefore, traffic is no more an excuse. Keep another excuse handy and let traffic be the backup..


3) Make the traffic your friend: You’ll always have that little time to make changes to your ppts, prepare speeches, draft letters, read mails, and so on. You get ample of time to make the last touch ups. And, just in case if you had no time to draw the black kohl line on the waterline of your eyes, traffic is your treat. Also, traffic fixes all the undone chores. Some cut nails, sip on the energy drink, dig in their breakfast boxes and so on.

read a book

4) Network: Don’t feel melancholy for being an introvert whilst you move to Bombay.The city will woe all your blues and make you a social bee. It’s in the air, believe me!


5) Vada-Pav is your best friend: Forgot to get your lunch? Out of cash after an amazing weekend? Vada-Pav is at your rescue. 70% of the population in Mumbai fill themselves with vada-pav.


6) Tapri is your hangout: If you’re a tea snob, chaiphile or a caffeine addict, Tapri is your next best hangout in your break time from work. A quick chai, few bhajji’s and a smoke in hand, is a routine sight for eyes. Discussions on the stock market, politics, company gossips, MNC Vs Startup debates, love-hate relation with the firm or their bosses, is something audible from young chaps, dudes, and dudettes. Chai pe charcha is a tiny phrase to address this scene.


7) Struggle is a very naive word: ‘Everyone here is struggling.’ Get used to this phrase and the phase as well. But, on the brighter side, struggle makes for more enjoyable and carefree weekends. Two days where you drink, dance and forget your troubles before starting your routine all over again.


8)  House Hunting: It’s a task! Everyone has their own unique definition on their experiences of house hunting. Terrace house refers to a house with a midget balcony in Mumbai. Don’t be annoyed with fewer square feets, you’ll be glimpsing a whole new bigger world standing there, there on your tiny Mumbai terrace. With chote darshan, you might carve your name to be bigger, someday.


9) Roommates: You may get a dozen offers to share  rooms with  struggling actors. (Told you, everyone’s struggling here) If you deal with one, get ready for being a proxy opposite lead to narrate lines. Eventually, these roommates end up being your best buddies. No matter if he’s an actor or she’s the PR /HR girl.


10) Everyone gets a chance!: Mumbai has a lot many jobs. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll get offers to work for amazing different ones. Resist it or go for it, your choice!


11) Unemployment is never too far: This might scare you! But let’s lay it straight here. Getting downsized or rejected can happen to anyone. Between these are the struggling actors, freelancers, unsuccessful startups and those who’ve been doing something else for the proxy period. Be ready for  the No-Guarantee phase. The ratio of jobs to people is always uneven.


12) Dabbawala is your 3rd mother: Biological mother is the 1st, teachers are the 2nd and the dabbawala wraps this package in a trio : roti-gravy waali subzi-chawal! Like your mom, you can depend on them for your timely lunches.


16) Bayside Banter: With the passing time, you’ll practice it as a ritual!

mumbai slang


Many Indians live in modern suburbs and work in gleaming skyscrapers, but many more—a large majority—remain indigent and trapped by tradition. Formally known as Bombay, Mumbai is the most populated city in India. Chaotic, frantic and polluted, Mumbai is a melting pot of different cultures, religions and wealth extremes. Since it’s a bay, it’s redundant to mention there are fish markets everywhere.  There’s something fishy at the end of every bylane.

The young and the employed in the city endure prolonged work hours, hectic commute, housing woes and a near-zero social life. Yet, 90% of them say they would not even dream of leaving Mumbai for another city. The city has a lot more people with positive attitude and a positive outlook on life.

“Zara hat ke zara bach ke ye hai bambai meri jaan”


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