
When you think of ecommerce in India, the first thing that comes in mind are product websites. However, there are very few websites that enable a user to use filters and then give recommendations. Now ex-CTO of Zomato, Avinash S and ex-Schlumberger Business Consulting Mayank Bhangadia have come up with Giveter, which is a recommendation service for online gifting, SutraBlog reports (via Pluggd.in).

If you are wondering what this recommendation service for online gifting allows you to do, well, it lets users search for relevant gifts by offering a choice of filters for the recipient’s age, relationship, and occasion. In addition, Giveter has tied up with a lot of online website/brands/physical stores. One special thing about the site is an in-house gifting aggregation team, which chooses unique giftable products. Currently, there are several different categories and some 2500 gifting options.

For payments, users are redirected to the partner site. One more thing that Giveter features is the Zip-Gift concept that lets users send, receive, and share gifts on Facebook. The ecommerce vertical in India sure is picking up fast and there are a lot of jobs in ecommerce and recruitment for ecommerce companies is increasing too.


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