
SutraHR: Unveiling The Badass HR Company With A Heart ❤


A while back we decided to give ourselves a little makeover, so to say. This was something we had to do for a couple of reasons at SutraHR.
1. Space of startups is changing fast and thick in India and hence the hiring is becoming more new-age.
2. Perception about HR needs a change when the surroundings are changing.
3. We are anything but the ostrich that refuses to accept the reality.

SutraHR has been a pioneer in the startup talent acquisition space for a little less than a decade and if a leader doesn’t evolve with the changing times and lead, who will? So we decided to make a start with some things that inherently define us. Shaking up the things a little never did anyone any harm, right?

SutraHR Badass HR company

If you’re a go-getter and believe in getting shit done, #ComeToSutra

We wanted to be seen as what we exactly are. When we sat down to define ourselves in one word, the unanimous choice was “SutraHR is badass”. We thought long and hard and the more we thought about it, the more it made sense. The more it clicked.

In common parlance, badass is someone who is true to himself, who doesn’t give up, who is brutally efficient, tough and a no nonsense person.

If you know us, you probably know a few things about us. SutraHR is a company that:
– Takes risks.
– Is a tough taskmaster.
– Is brash when it comes to not settling for mediocrity.
– Always strives to set highest performance standards.
– Unabashedly rewards top performers.
– Worships doers and achievers.
– Believes in ‘get shit done’.
– Is bootstrapped because it wants to work on its own terms.
– Unwinds like life’s one big party.
– Has its heart in the right place.

And hence, calling ourselves as ‘the Badass HR Company with a Heart’ makes us extremely proud. This is what we are. Now came the next part. The manifestation of this little makeover came in the form of our website transformation because that is our face to the world.

After months of hard work, after pulling off many a late-nighters at a stretch, after additions-deletion-some more additions and after a collective team effort, we are delighted to announce the new and revamped version of SutraHR’s new website.

What’s the new place like? To start with, it is equipped with all the necessary information needed to resolve all sorts of talent acquisition query that an organization may have. We have dedicated pages on your specific hiring requirements like Bulk Hiring, CXO Hiring, Dedicated Resource model, hiring Hotshots and you can straight away sign up for these services by a click of a button. Yes, we have simplified it to give you the best customer experience.

There are also dedicated pages on the domains of clients SutraHR works with, some handy information about why we are so awesome (no, really) and why working with us is the best career move you’ll ever make. And obviously, it loads quickly and looks beautiful even when you open it on your smartphone. Try it, go ahead!

Click here to visit SutraHR’s new dotcom home and get yourself acquainted with what a new-age HR company looks like and what it brings for your organization.

A new website is just the beginning. Being badass is the new cool and we are very happy to lead the way. And like someone wise in Bollywood once said, “picture abhi baaki hai mere dost”.

Think you can survive at the most badass workplace in Mumbai? Visit our career page.

Walk-in for an interview anytime between 10:30am7:30pm, Monday to Friday or call +91 92222 13194.

To new beginnings!


3 Steps to Getting Things Done


Like Thomas Edison rightly said, “Inspiration without execution is hallucination.” We all know how success works, it’s always about what is achieved in the end over anything else. What has been common with all the distinguished names across industries is their attitude of getting things done with whatever they set out to do.

With that being said, it’s understandable that most of your work or to-dos depend on other’s efficiency and execution and in that case what we end up doing is waiting, waiting for them to get things done because what else can you do, right? Wrong! You can push them to get things done in a office, don’t let somebody else’s productivity influence what you set out to do because results matter.

And so we decided to address this mess with a smart and straight infographic guide to Get Shit Done.

Get Things Done

Success is always a result of delivery and delivery is always a result of execution. It’s about putting your work first, getting a grip on the situation and making a plan of action because hard work pays off. And last but not least, ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH.


Looking for an inspiring place to work for? SutraHR is hiring. Visit sutrahr.com/careers to find what you might like to do.

Interested? Send in your resumes to careers@sutrahr.com or call us on +91 87 67 427 427


Explained! Difference Between Corporate & Consultancy


Choosing a career is the hardest decision ever. If you take one wrong decision, it can jeopardize your whole life. Commonly, people look for good pay, incentives, career growth, and stability in a job. With the advancement of technology and time, we’ve seen an evolution in the job industry with more and more new companies coming up and creating a job space in the market.

Consultancy OR Corporate

Let’s begin with explaining what is a ‘consultancy’ firm and a ‘corporate’ firm.

A consulting firm is a company with experts (consultants) providing professional advice to an organization or an individual for a fee. Consultancies have become a talent source in recent times for companies looking to hire people for leadership positions.

And a corporate is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Organizations seeking to transform themselves are hiring talent with a consulting background to boost performance.

When it comes to choosing a job in a consultancy, people usually prefer to work at a ‘corporate consultancy’ over an ‘HR consultancy’. This is because they feel corporates are better employers than a consultancy. Today, let’s resolve the doubt on the difference between consultancy and corporate.

Working at any niche consultancy could also give the same job satisfaction which people usually expect out of a corporate job. In reality, there is actually a very thin line in between working at a corporate and a consultancy. As a matter of fact, a consultancy can operate like a corporate as well.

Let me walk you through the realities of working at a consultancy and the perks that the employees get, which most corporates usually do not give to their employees.

1) Generation of incentives and higher wages: Consultancies, in general, pay higher salaries to its employees. With the advancement of work and growth in the work process, appraisals also tend to increase. A consultancy is often considered as an incentive-driven sector, which implies that one gets to earn more incentives in a consultancy than a corporate. Consultancies have limitations when it comes to their workforce and that is why pay hikes are more frequent in such companies. Bigger the company, smaller the hikes.

2) Learning and gathering skills: A consultancy arms its employees with more skills. Consultants work on projects that are complicated for other companies to complete themselves. In addition, consultants have to meet deadlines and complete critical work with ease. They learn and gather new skills every day. In a corporate setup, an employee usually specializes and becomes an expert in a single area within a company and thus the area of growth stays limited.

3) Opportunity to work and grow: Any niche company dealing in consulting gives its employees the benefit to work with many different types of organizations and also across vast number of fields. This helps in increasing expertise across various domains. These experiences take an employee to great heights and help in accelerating career advancement, thus offering greater flexibility.

4) Organizational structure – climbing up the ladders in a consultancy: The clichéd idea that a consulting firm does not have any growth ladder and everybody working in there does not get an opportunity for promotion is actually wrong. A consultancy does have hierarchies. The basic structure of any consultancy comprises of an Analyst, Consultant, Senior Consultant, Engagement Manager, Partner and Managing Partner. All of these have subheads divided into teams. Apart from these, there is staff in support for functions such as HR, Administration, Marketing and Finance.

When choosing an area of work or a job sector, a candidate should concentrate on a few important things:

1) Role of the employee in the organization: The degree of independence which the organization is offering and how diversified one’s role is.

2) Employee satisfaction: Proper growth, learning, incentives, and also the area to improve.

So food for thought, people should always choose the company when making a career decision and not restrict themselves to small debates such as, if it is a corporate or a consultancy. Now that you know enough about the difference between consultancy and corporate, we would like to know your views on what you think is a better choice, and why? Leave your comments below and let us know:

SutraHR needs a few skillful and smart people to join them. Drop by any day to have a quick chat.



601 B, Annapurna CHS, Above Delicacy of China, Adarsh Nagar, Oshiwara, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053.


We understand that you might be a little busy to drop by. No worries, just mail us your resumes to careers@sutrahr.com or call us on +91 922 221 3194.



10 Crazy Things Recruiters Say


Recruiting can get monotonous and tiring. Whenever we talk about jobs and recruitment, we consider it to be a serious notion. But let us take some time off today and look at recruiting in a new light. Job seekers consider recruiters nothing less than devils standing at the door of hell and they believe whatever the recruiters say is right. But sometimes even experienced recruiters blurt out funny things during interviews, which do not make sense.


As Asia’s top recruitment company, we have interviewed a lot of recruiters and candidates and thought of shedding some light to the situations which usually occur during an interview.

1. “We are looking for someone with the insight of a 50-year-old, knowledge of a 40-year-old, drive of a 30-year-old and remuneration of a 20-year-old.”

Leonardo DiCaprio Recruitment

Recruiters inadvertently look out for the best of candidates with the least amount of salary expectations and remain oblivious to the facts that are important to everyone including the people who work for them.

2. “We provide opportunities for growth and development.”

Morgan Freeman Be Damned

Wow, is that true? I was actually in search of a job where there is no room for growth or progress. I really wanted to work here, but growth? No, that isn’t in my itinerary. So, are recruiters lying? Not really but saying redundant things like offering growth could be a waste of time because candidates are most often looking to grow and most companies offer that.

3. “We need a Rockstar employee.”

Rockstar Employees

I’m at a complete loss of words. Yes, I do love my own daily set of performances during my showers, but that’s about it. Rockstar and employee together? Contradicting, isn’t it? Honestly, I have noticed that recruiters use these terms a lot of times without realizing that most candidates would not understand such jargons.

4. When interviewing a fresher: “You have no experience, how can we hire you?”

Working Like Minions

So, you are saying I have to get experience before I get experience? Sure I have experience in making resumes and looking for jobs every day. I owe all my experience to recruiters like you, who wouldn’t take me due to my lack of industrial knowledge. Recruiters usually miss out on good candidates, who mightn’t have much experience but can bring in a lot of difference to the company.

5. “We seriously mean business and there is no time to waste.”

Robin Williams At Work

Recruiters often tend to get pushy with an expectation of getting the job done efficiently. Creating a sense of urgency can be a good sales tactic, but in this instance, employers can make prospective candidates wriggle out.

6. “We believe in a balanced work life”, immediately followed by “Would you be flexible with working extended hours, and on weekends?”

What You Say At Interviews

Didn’t you just contradict yourself? How can a balanced work life comprise of extended work hours? Recruiters might want to avoid the labor love and come to the point. This can save a lot of misunderstandings in future.

7. “We believe in the motto work hard, play harder.”

Work Hard Play Harder

Seriously? With the amount of work you are going to pile on me, I am expected to work on weekends. The only thing I will be playing is, playing fake in front of you! Such things just make us wonder, do recruiters lie during interviews? Companies have the tendency to use such phrases when in reality the situation might not be so. A recruiter needs to be honest when recruiting a candidate.

8. “Do you think you could have performed better in your last job?”

Barack Obama Job Performance

Now, that is a million dollar question. Why would anyone answer this question with honesty? Who does everything perfectly? Given an opportunity anybody would want to perform better on their last job. Questions such as this are unnecessary. No particular outcome would come out of this.

9. “What are your weaknesses?”

What Are You Weakness

My weaknesses? Well, I am a victim of procrastination. Plus I tend to get bored fast, I fail to complete my targets on time and I am pretty fickle-minded. No employee would reveal his/her weakness in front of a recruiter with the fear of failing the interview. So why ask?

10. “What were you making on your last job?”, “What is your salary expectation?”

Salary Expections

Well, I would be comfortable with anything that you offer me, provided it pays off my insurances, loans and the weekly parties that I splurge on. The recruiters should do some research and always offer employees a competitive wage rather than paying the employee what their last job paid. Can I get an Amen?


Interviewing Is Taxing

Recruiting can be a grave task. Interviewing so many candidates each day is taxing. So sometimes it is justified on the recruiter’s part to make mistakes and say funny things during recruitment. But they have to keep in mind that “you can’t teach employees to smile, they have to smile before you hire them”. The key to successfully tackling such questions is to stop whining about how most recruiters lie and speak your mind.


Looking for an amazing career opportunity? Drop in your resumes at careers@sutrahr.com or call us now on +91 922 221 3194.



Waqar Azmi (Founder & CEO, Sutra Services) Features on Channel News Asia


Channel News Asia interviews Waqar Azmi of SutraHR on challenges faced by recruiters in the Indian eCommerce sector.

The Indian eCommerce sector is booming and the market is getting even more competitive for both the customers and the businesses.

Singapore’s leading news channel, Channel News Asia decided to cover this industry, where competition for employees in the Indian e-commerce sector is on a high. Waqar Azmi, Founder & CEO of SutraHR shared his valuable insights on the same, in an exclusive interview with the channel.

To find out about what Mr. Azmi had to say, check the video excerpt of the show featuring SutraHR given below.

In order to increase the usage of internet, businesses need a lump sum amount of workforce. Due to this major competition for employees brewing up, employees tend to swap jobs more often, for better offers. Employers are facing a challenge to find prospective new hires. The problem is that it usually takes more than two months for an employer to hire one skillful candidate. There is a risk involved where the candidate might deny the job offer. In this case, the business loses two months of their valuable time and has to start all over again.

The competition is worse when the quantity of talented candidates is handful. Most companies are usually on a look out for the best performer, because of which majority of the quality candidates have various offers to pick from.

What kind of challenges do you think the work sector in India, especially in the eCommerce arena are facing today? Leave a comment on and let us know your views on the topic. https://www.facebook.com/SutraHR


If you want to build a team for your startup, then click here or call us on +91 87 67 427 427.

Looking for an amazing career opportunity? Why don’t you ask us?


Best Workplace for a BMS Student in Mumbai


Best Workplace for BMS Freshers

Most students these days choose an out of the box career option over the traditional courses or 9-to-5 jobs. Over the years there has been a significant growth in the number of students opting to study media or management with courses like Bachelors of Mass Media (BMM) or Bachelors in Management Studies (BMS) particularly in Mumbai, and other courses like BBA, Business Studies, etc. An essential aspect of these courses is that the student has to start rallying work experience right from the second and third year of college. Meaningful jobs for BMS freshers can be a pretty difficult thing to find. Most of them tend to worry if they will end up working in a place they will enjoy or be a part of just another monotonous cycle of work-life.

It’s an era of selfies, belfies, iPhones, Dropbox, foodgasms, game of thrones and what not, where orange is the new black and HR is the new cool. BMS students seek to work in an atmosphere which is fun, challenging and inflaming, which would make them jump out of their beds each morning. They need an environment where they will be free to play, create, learn and grow. (Have a look at our workplace!)


We make our employees feel purpose and meaning in their work. We take them to the next level of their own mastery -…
Posted by SutraHR on 5 September 2015


Fortunately, for all the BMS students out there, I am listing down a few reasons for how working at SutraHR could be the best decision of your life.

o what you love to do

1. As it was once said by Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” is what Sutraites aim for. Working should bring with it new challenges and not stress. This could only be achieved if you really do what you love to do. SutraHR swears by this policy. An employee is required to do what they love to do by choosing their comfort zone at work.

Work at brilliant statup office

2. If you have an entrepreneurial side to you or you are curious to learn about great ideas and their executions, then you will love this place. SutraHR frequently places its employees in other startup companies as dedicated resources till project completion. This way our employees gets to work at brilliant startups companies and learn the entire business manifesto from its inception. For a BMS graduate, this kind of experience is a wonderful opportunity to learn about ideas and its potential market (if going forward you are looking to start out a venture on your own).

One on one interaction with founder

3. I bet every BMS student would love to experience these things. SutraHR is undoubtedly one of the best company to work for as we have the best jobs for BMS freshers in Mumbai. It’s common for Sutraites to walk into their office and see founders of innovative big potential startups visiting our office. SutraHR works with a varied number of startups and our employees get to meet a lot of founders and CEOs of well-known companies. Most days Surtraites get to plunge in with them over candid discussions. Employees at SutraHR get to learn new skills and techniques every day.

Be a part of growth story

4. Working with a startup can help develop people’s business skills. Startups don’t really stay startups for very long, with good planning and execution a startup can grow to become a multinational. Employees who choose to kick off their careers with a startup not only get to learn and experience new things but also be part of their growth story. We all are a part of SutraHR’s growth story and any new employee would be too.

Earn the best incentive

5. Incentives act as an important motivation for employees. Grad students, who want to make something out of themselves need resources along with learning. There are very few companies that offer good incentives to its employees. SutraHR has one of the best incentive plans in the industry. So far SutraHR has rolled out incentives amounting to 1 crore rupees since its inception in 2007.

Get to learn from the best of industry

6. A good mentor is a necessity to learn about the nitty-gritty’s of the work and its methods. A good mentor will take a keen interest in the employee’s professional development. A fresh graduate requires an earnest and motivating mentor for guidance. SutraHR has one of the best talents from the industry to mentor their employees. The best part is that nobody behaves like a boss in SutraHR.

Free food at work

7. At SutraHR, employees don’t go hungry. We have kitchens dedicated to stock up tons of free food, starting from chips, cookies, juices, chocolates and more. Sutraites get free evening snacks, yes they are spoiled! Every evening has a new menu for the SutraHR employees with the likes of croissants, burgers, chaats, vada pavs, idly-sambhar, dabelis etc.

Get opportunities for innovation

8. SutraHR believes that its employees should be given a chance to brainstorm to bring about something new and exciting. A healthy and active mind is the key to a balanced work life. We encourage our employees to implement ideas and innovate. But what if some Sutraites fail? Well, who doesn’t? The team at SutraHR believes that mistakes are a part of the process. As long as you realise and commit to improve, it’s all good!


9. A traditional 9-to-5 job is in itself a huge challenge. Flexibility at work is what every employee looks forward to, and also appreciates. Sutra gives its employees the flexibility to walk in at a reasonable time for work. Sutraites also enjoy frequent outdoor picnics, office parties, hookah sessions and paid leaves.

Full freedom at work

10. SutraHR gives immense freedom to its employees to work the way they feel comfortable with. They often use the phrase “own your work” which stands true for each of our employees, starting from our interns. They refuse to have a push hard attitude toward their employees because they realise the maturity of each Sutraite.


The best career bet for a BMS graduate should indefinitely be SutraHR. Life is fun and challenging. We get to do what we love. The work is so refreshing that it makes us jump out of bed each morning. So screw the traditional 9-to-5 job. Instead, get to play, create, learn and grow. And imagine getting paid for all of this 😉 Come to Sutra and create your own light.

SutraHR needs a few skilful and smart people to join them. Drop by any day to have a quick chat.

#cometosutra 601 B, Annapurna CHS, Above Delicacy of China, Adarsh Nagar, Oshiwara, Andheri (W), Mumbai 500 053


We understand that you might be a little busy to drop by. No worries, just visit Our careers page to check out openings of jobs for BMS freshers in Mumbai  or mail us your resumes to careers@sutrahr.com or call us on +91 87 67 427 427


17 Indian Muslim Entrepreneurs Whose Stories Will Amuse You

17 Indian Muslim Entrepreneurs Whose Stories Will Amuse You

Also Read – Top 100 Startups in India in 2024

The creation of a sustainable, profit-making entity that contributes to the development of a society is a task not all can shoulder. Entrepreneurs are bearers of this exalting burden. Although hailing from different backgrounds and cultures, all entrepreneurs share the courage to venture into the unknown.

In this blog post, we will delve into the stories of 17 remarkable Indian Muslim entrepreneurs whose achievements will amuse and inspire you. These entrepreneurs have not only achieved personal success but have also played pivotal roles in shaping the business landscape of India.

SpringVerify internal banner

List Of Top Muslim Entrepreneurs in India

Though entrepreneurship knows no boundaries of faith, we’re presenting to you a list of some of the top Muslim entrepreneurs in India who have made significant contributions in various industries: (listed alphabetically)

1. Ayaz Basrai
Founder, The Busride

Ayaz Basrai Indian Entrepreneur

The dream of an idea is often sweeter than its reality. Not so much for Ayaz Basrai. A pass out of the National Institute of Design (Ahmedabad), Ayaz graduated in Industrial Design and specialized in product design.

After working in studios like Ideaspice Design Studio (Dubai), Lokus Design, and XHeight Design studio, he moved on and founded The Busride, an independent design studio, which seems to have touched almost every field you could think of: office spaces (Sony music studio, Channel V studio), retail spaces (The Shantanu Nikhil Gallery, The Turtle Retail Stores), houses (one at Ranwar and one at Tutikorin), and even films (Krrish, Chandni Chowk to China). Apart from Busride, Ayaz also runs The Gypsy Kitchen. He is passionate about Bandra and organizes Bandra Walks.

2. Azhar Iqubal
Co-Founder and CEO, Inshortsazhar-iqubal-indian-entrepreneur-1

Today everyone is busy. Either they are busy with work or in their daily chores. Seldom people make time to read the news. But everybody needs to stay updated about the happenings in and around the world. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the news were filtered and shortened for you? Azhar Iqubal, an IIT Delhi dropout started up with News in Shorts along with Anunay Arunav of IIT Delhi, and Deepit Purkayastha of IIT Kharagpur in 2013.

This young entrepreneur has turned our dreams into a reality by creating the app, News in Shorts. The app provides an experience, of knowing it all, without reading it all. The app curates news from all the sources, handpicks the best articles, and provides the gist of those stories in just 60 words.

3. Farhan Azmi
CEO, Infinity Hotels Pvt. Ltd.
Farhan Azmi Indian Entrepreneur

There are places you don’t want to be put in, and then there are places you do. Farhan Azmi gives you the latter. The politician cum hotelier finished his schooling at The Scholar High School and studied commerce at Jai Hind and Sydenham College.

What started as a hangout place for friends has metamorphosed into Infinity Hotels Pvt. Ltd., which is the parent company of Koyla, Café Basilico, Basilico House, and ChaiCoffi. Each is unique in its concept and the audience it looks to serve. All these have proved to place people want to be seen in. All throughout, Farhan has carefully carved himself a niche keeping in mind what he calls ‘space-starved’ Mumbaikars. Farhan evidently has grand expansion plans for Infinity Hotels and he’s juggling politics and business well.

Recruitment Agency In India

4. Faisal Farooqui
Founder & CEO, MouthShut.com and Dealface.comFaisal Farooqui Indian Entrepreneur

Want to talk tirelessly? Talk Faisal Farooqui. Faisal graduated with a Bachelor of Science as well as in Finance from The State University of New York, Binghamton. He, unlike many in his stead, returned to India after the completion of his course and founded mouthshut.com, an online customer feedback, and interaction portal. As of now, it has recorded over six million users a month and counting.

Faisal also co-founded Zarca Interactive, an online survey software. He has received various awards and titles, like the Manthan Award by the Govt. of India – Best Youth Website (2006), Indian Digital Media Awards – Best Web Portal of the Year-Gold (2011), etc. In addition to the awards, he was named Top Entrepreneur by Entrepreneur Magazine in 2012 and one of the Top 100 Digital Icons of India in 2012. When he isn’t busy receiving awards, he’s giving talks at prestigious institutions such as the American University in Dubai, IIM Ahmedabad, and IIT Mumbai. He published a paper on “Application of Market Research Towards Proactive Customer Relationship Management” in 2003. What’s more, he also pioneered auto rickshaw advertising.

5. Gulrez Alam
Global COO, ResultrixGulrez Alam Indian Entrepreneur

Social media and e-commerce are essential weapons for the success and sustenance of companies. Without SEO and SEM, they would be as good as a gun without bullets. Gulrez Alam has spent more than a decade of making social media and e-commerce useful to his clients.

Gulrez, an MBA from IILM New Delhi, founded Resultrix in 2008. It is a leading service provider of search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), affiliate and social media marketing. They are certified partners with Google AdWords and Google Analytics. Resultrix has also been listed as a Microsoft ad excellence Company. In a matter of six years of its formation, it has been acquired by Publicis Group. If you do want to catch him while he’s in Mumbai and make it look accidental, try the Sunday Farmer’s Market at Bandra.

6. Habil Khorakiwala
Chairman, Wockhardt Group
Habil Khorakiwala Indian Entrepreneur

Wockhardt group is the first true healthcare group from India, and Dr. Habil Khorakiwala has been the captain of this ship. He steers it and has built it sturdy. Dr. Khorakiwala majored in Pharmacy from the L M College in Ahmedabad and later acquired a Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Science from Purdue University, USA. He was the only international non-American to have been given the title of ‘Distinguished Aluminous’ by the Purdue University. Thereafter he studied in an Advanced Management Programme at the Harvard Business School in Boston, USA.

He returned to India and took over what was a small firm that made OTC (Over-The-Counter) medications. It has now blossomed into a giant MNC, making him a pharma tycoon in its true sense. As of today, Wockhardt is a USD 841 million (and counting) pharmaceutical company. The firm engages in an endless list of CSR activities and has a workforce of 7500 people from 14 nations. The Government of India has nominated Dr. Habil Khorakiwala for various committees and councils. He is quite the family man, and an avid reader and philanthropist.

7. Irfan Alam
Founder, SammaanIrfan Alam Indian Entrepreneur

Irfan Alam was fond of comics as a child and is now an entrepreneurial superhero for over five million rickshaw operators. As a twelve-year-old, Irfan studied the stock market and helped his father make investment decisions. By the age of fifteen, he launched Matins, a portfolio management firm that managed over Indian INR 60 lakhs (nearly USD 14,000). As an older man, the Harvard graduate identified an opportunity that would ease out the life of rickshaw operators as well as their clients and carried extensive research for the same at IIM Ahmedabad. In 2006, he participated in a competition announced by a television channel for entrepreneurs to showcase their business ideas. He won the contest and was titled “Business Bazigaar”.

Irfan declined to accept the investment, in a very hero-like move, over the investors’ demands of the firm being for-profit and their demand to hold a majority of stakes in it. He structured a model that ensured that he and the community (with the community owning a majority) would together hold at least 51 percent of the stakes in Samman, which organized the most scattered income-generating sector in India – the rickshaw operators. It doesn’t stop there. The rickshaws that are part of Samman are also a selling point for various products and services. The rickshaw operators and their families have been made “full economic citizens” by Irfan’s efforts to build channels for essential services such as banking, individual access to credit, and health for them. He was invited to the Presidential Summit, in 2010 in Washington by US President Barack Obama. He has won various titles and awards. All he needs now is a cape!

8. Irfan Razack
Managing Director, Prestige GroupIrfan Razack Indian Entrepreneur

Bread, clothing, and shelter are our basic needs. The Razack Sattar family deals in the latter two. Irfan Razack is Mr. Sattar’s eldest son. He studied commerce and graduated from St. Joseph’s College (Bangalore University) and was also awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by St. Joseph’s Old Boys Association. Later on, he completed a course in Jordan by the United Nations University International’s Leadership Academy (UNU/ILA).

Irfan established Prestige in 1986, which is now a public company, with over 90 million square feet of commercial, retail, and residential properties gracing its profile so far. His love for extreme adventure is reflected in the goals he sets for Prestige and the velocity at which the company is expanding. He guided it for INR 4300 crore, which amounts to about 8 million square feet for the financial year 2014. Mr. Sattar has received many awards, including Real Estate Excellence Award (2008) and the Best Developer Award (2009) by Karnataka State Town Planning Development. He has also held important posts like Honorary secretary of Al-Ameen Educational Society, President of Bangalore Commercial Association (BCA) and Chairman of CREDAI.

9. Javed Akhtar
CEO, Travelport
Javed Akhtar Indian Entrepreneur

The obvious direct relationship between employee productivity and employee satisfaction demands that corporates give as much attention to their internal audience as they do to their external audience. Javed Akhtar, a graduate from St. Georges College, Heena J. A., and Bhavin Parekh witnessed the plight of these corporates and identified the tremendous opportunity that comes with it. They fit together all the elements of loyalty and promotions programs, and Travelport was born.

They started off in a small office at Dharavi in 2002. 12 years on, they have expanded and ventured into the rewards and recognition programs as well. Rewardport, as they call it, serves over 250 clients with a team of 150 professionals, with a turnover of over INR 100 crore. This taste of success seems to have made Javed crave for more! Already having covered a strong market share in both corporate travel plans and corporate reward plans, he’s now tapping the potential in the travel market for non-corporate individuals. Javed has also come up with the idea of opening travel offices in malls, adding convenience to quality.

Recruitment Agency In India

10. Jawed Habib
Managing Director, Jawed Habib Hair and Beauty Ltd (JHHBL)
Jawed Habib Indian Entrepreneur

Jawed’s grandfather, Nazir Ahmed, cut the hair of almost all the heavyweights among Indian and British politicians the likes of Jawaharlal Nehru and Lord Mountbatten. Jawed, a graduate in French Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, is undoubtedly romantic- but for hairdressing. He completed a nine-month hairdressing course at Morris International School in London post-graduation. Soon after, he was hired by Sunsilk and he gave the firm a good nine years of service before returning to India.

Here in India, Jawed started units in remote places and trained a handful of students at a time. The trained students were then encouraged to go back to their hometown and gather a group of five people for his lecture. Then he’d start a salon with them! This soon formed a chain. Today, JHHBL has 207 saloons and 41 academies across India, and one in Malaysia. He now intends to diversify and offer to his clients all that is related to haircare and beauty. Shampoos, serums, makeup cosmetics, hair clips, razors, spas, (saloon) chairs, cups, electronic hair appliances – you name it and it’s on his mind already.


11. Jazeel Badur Ferry
Co-founder, EventifierJazeel Badur Ferry Indian Entrepreneur

“Never let success get into your head and never let your failure get to your heart”. These are the wise words dominating Jazeel’s Facebook page cover photo. The 23-year-old completed an undergraduate degree in computer science and engineering from Mangalore. He and his friends failed to impress the jury of The Startup Centre hackathon with their idea to build an app related to the stock market integrating the SMS feature.

A year later, though, they floored the jury with their idea of Eventifier, which was born out of a seemingly casual observation that there was no online portal to archive the pictures and social media discussion threads that were formed while the event was on. Eventifier’s incubation at The Startup Centre hackathon was the starting point of the ride the three friends were getting onto. It was listed as one of the 7 most interesting social media startups at the Web Summit, Ireland. The startup has now been funded with USD 5,00,000 by Accel Partners and Kae Capital.

12. Mohammed Hisamuddin
Co-Founder, Innoz Technologies and QuestMohammed Hisamuddin Indian Entrepreneur

While the world is busy going gaga over the internet, Mohammad and two of his friends were busy unlocking the treasures of SMS apps. Mohammad graduated from Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Engineering, Kerala. The idea of Innoz was formed in a hostel room while the startup itself was jointly incubated at IIM Ahmedabad and Technopark Trivandrum.

Quest is an Android and iOS-based application that functions as a search engine where people answer questions posed by other people. Innoz has been recorded as the largest offline search engine, in 2013, in the Limca Book of Records. He has also won many awards, including Nasscom’s top 8 Emerging Technology Companies in India 2010, top 10 Mobile Application Developers in India 2010, and Top 10 emerging product companies 2011. In addition, they won MIT-TR35 in 2010 and were shortlisted for the GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2012. Mohammad Hisamuddin follows football, cricket, and tennis and likes to read non-fiction books. With so many things on his plate, we wonder where this gets all the time for it.

13. Navaj Sharief
Founder, Ammi’s BiryaniNavaj Sharief Muslim Entrepreneur in India

What’s better than a traditional, homemade biryani? A traditional homemade biryani packed in a box and delivered to you! Meet the guy who brought this about – Navaj Sharief. He completed his schooling from Baldwin Boy’s School and moved on to pursue his BBA and MBA from the Banglore University. Navaj left the comfort of a well-established, family-owned business to start Ammi’s Biryani in 2008.

He believes in building the city before building the fort. It comes as no surprise, then, that he single-handedly built the company from scratch first, transcending from one role to another whenever required. The building of a strong management and HR team around it came later, with stabilization. This strategy has worked wonders for him. Today, Ammi’s Biryani has over 30 outlets spread across Bangalore and Chennai. It has been applauded for its flawless packaging and its appealing quality of food on various blogs. Navaj bagged the Best Entrepreneur Award at the Maeeshat Awards ceremony, in 2013.

14. Shahnaz Husain
Founder, Shahnaz Husain GroupShahnaz Husain Indian Muslim Entrepreneur

If sheer grit and independence could be a woman, it would be Shahnaz Husain. She was schooled at La Martiniere, Lucknow, and was married by the tender age of 15. Shahnaz accompanied her husband to his posting in Tehran. There, beauty treatments intrigued her more than ever and she made up her mind to study cosmetology. Driven by her will to be independent, she supported her education by writing articles for the Iran Tribune. She worked with some of the leading institutions in the world, like Swarzkopf, Helena Rubinstein, Lancome, Christine Valmy, and Lean of Copenhagen. The occurrences of chemical damage due to beauty treatments inspired her to look for a safer, more dependable alternative.

She found Ayurveda, and there has been no looking back ever since. Now a mother, she started her business in the comfort of her home, with an initial investment of INR 35,000 from her father. Soon, she was elected Chairman of the I.T.E.C. International Beauty Congress in 1981 and later in the year represented India at the Cosmetics Fair at Brighton, UK. The sale of her products broke the cosmetics sales record at Selfridge, and there was no looking back after. As of today, Shahnaz Husain has expanded her business to over 100 countries, branching into various segments like salons, spas, and shops.

15. Syed Mohammed Beary
CMD, Beary’s GroupSyed Mohammed Beary Muslim Entrepreneur

Syed Mohammed Beary started off as a real estate consultant in 1981. Within three decades, Beary’s Group has grown into a giant empire, offering solutions for everything, from design, development, construction, management, coordination to marketing and advisory services. Today, Beary’s is involved in total reality, property development, and turnkey solutions, infrastructure and construction engineering, shariah as well as education. Syed spent his childhood in the picturesque hilly region of Chikmagalur.

His love for nature forms an integral part of all the projects his group takes up. The entire Beary Group is supported on three pillars – Entrepreneurship, Environment, and Education. The BGRT is India’s first sustainable green building research park. They have as many as 16 educational institutes across the coastal towns of Karnataka. The group has won multiple awards over the years.

16. Sirajuddin Qureshi
CMD, Hind IndustriesSirajuddin Qureshi Indian Entrepreneur

Sirajuddin Qureshi was born an entrepreneur. As a child, he supported his education by buying small goods and selling them on the roadside. He graduated from the University of Delhi and pursued Law after. Hind Industries saw its inception with Mr. Qureshi’s first consignment – an order of meat worth Rs. 17,000 to Dubai. Today, Hind Industries has its presence in 50 countries, with interests in agro-processing, abattoirs, livestock development, engineering, education, hospitality, and power. In 2010, Sirajuddin Qureshi was invited by US President Barack Obama for an entrepreneurial summit in Washington.

Mr. Qureshi is also president of the Indian Islamic Culture Centre. Having realized the importance of education very early on in life, Mr. Qureshi has taken upon himself to help scores of youngsters from the minority sections of the society and educated them through the Noble Education Foundation of IICC. He also bears all the expenses towards the education provided. Mr. Qureshi has been honored with several awards and recognitions from the Government of India for his contributions to the export industry.

17. Zoher Khorakiwala
Chairman, Monginiszoher-khorakiwala-indian-entrepreneur

In the times when cakes were a luxury affordable only to the highest class, Monginis gave the common man reason to ‘Go ahead, celebrate!’. Zoher Khorakiwala grew up to a constant cycle of wooden trays filled with fresh cakes and puffs entering the bakery and getting exhausted within minutes. He joined the family business in 1972. Since then, much has changed and much has stayed the same. The cake shop of the common man has adapted itself to local tastes as it built franchises all over the world. The evergreen favorites like the black forest cake and the pineapple pastry, though, have remained untouched.

Monginis has kept up with the dynamic technological advancements, entering into e-commerce and even offering varieties like ‘photo’ cakes. Not to forget the packaged moist cakes have gained popularity. Zoher Khorakiwala has strategized the expansion of Monginis in such a way that they consolidate their presence in the places where they already have stores. We think these are grand, deserving plans. After all, who hasn’t heard of Monginis?

If you know an entrepreneur who could be added to this list, let us know via the comments section (moderated) below. We would appreciate your suggestions and contributions.

Note: The numbers do not imply any ranks.

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15 Quirky Ecommerce Websites from India


Quirky Ecommerce WebsitesMost people are aware of only a few handful websites which cater their shopping needs. Beyond the usual shopping websites, there are lots of quirky e-commerce websites which are swiftly growing and gaining popularity.


So here is a list of India’s 15 quirky e-commerce websites:

1) Bewakoof
Key People – Prabhkiran Singh and Siddharth Munot (Co-Founders).

In keeping with their brand name, these two young IITians, Prabhkiran and Siddharth launched Bewakoof on the 1st of April 2012 (April Fool’s Day). They function on a very interesting philosophy; about how people think society is bewakoof and society thinks people are, yet the two coexist wonderfully. They have some hilarious T-shirt designs in the male collection and most adorable pyjamas in the female collection.

2) Chumbak
Key People – Vivek Prabhakar (Founder & CEO) and Shubra Chadda (Co-Founder).

Their journey started with a quest for “fun fridge magnets” and culminated in the birth of Chumbak, [sociallocker]which means the same in Hindi. Officially launched in March 2010 with 3 stores, today Chumbak has over 15 exclusive stores in multiple cities as well as miscellaneous others that stock their products. They have a glorious variety of merchandise ranging from apparel and footwear to tech and travel accessories with the most innovative and Indianised designs.

3) Green Somethings
Key People – Pallavi J. Goswami (Founder).

Green Somethings is a patio and garden décor brand that will spruce up your balcony, garden or office with plants and pots of natural joy. Along with theme based makeovers and adding colour to your greens, Green Somethings offers gifting options for birthdays, anniversaries etc.

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4) Happily Unmarried
Key People – Rajat Tuli and Rahul Anand (Founders).

Established in 2003, Happily Unmarried is a website (apparently made by people who hate to shop, hence easy to use) that has funny, customized merchandise like shot glasses, beer mugs and ashtrays to funk up your bar. They also stock innovative graphic tees, accessories and offbeat miscellaneous products.

5) Heads Up For Tails
Key People – Rashi Narang (Founder)

Heads Up For Tails is an everything-pet-care website for dogs with a “small (but growing) cat corner”. Their products include all-weather-wear, beds, food and grooming accessories for canines. Along with merchandise and apparel, Heads Up For Tails has training products and monthly gift boxes. It’s a dog lover’s heaven.

6) Kulture Shop
Key People – Arjun Charanjiva (Founder, Managing Director), Kunal Anand (Co-Founder, Creative Director).

Kulture Shop aims to create a viable ecosystem for the monetization and exposure of talented Indian graphic artists. Their website has some minimalistic and innovative prints made by prolific designers that can be either framed art pieces or t-shirts. You pick!

7) Monkie Gears
Key People – Aizaz Vakil and Ritika Vakil (Co-Founders).

Dedicated to providing you with some crazy adrenaline rushes, Monkie Gears is a website that offers products such as electric and fuel skateboards, pogo sticks of top notch quality and various camping and adventure sports gear.

8) Nappa Dori
Key People – Gautam Sinha (Founder).

Established in 2010, Nappa Dori was voted as one of the five most creative talents in the Indian scene by the British Council in the next year itself. Its products include classic travel trunks, laptop and jhola bags, accessories and various miscellaneous products, all synonymous with vintage simplicity and class.

9) Pig Tails & Ponys
Key People – Nikita Dawar and Nivedha Charles (Co-Founders).

Pig Tails & Ponys was founded in 2011. They’re a one-stop-shop for hair fashion online and just everything you need to pretty up those tresses. Their products include a variety of handmade hair accessories and a delightful variety of hair clips, ties, extensions, wreaths, head chains and more.

10) PosterGully
Key People – Bharat Sethi (Founder & CEO).

PosterGully is India’s first and largest fan store that sells posters under almost every category under the sun. Their brand makes an excellent contribution when it comes to merchandising graphic pop culture products. So fancy up your room or workspace with their posters, wall & desk art, mugs, mouse pads and more.

11) RedWolf
Key People – Ameya ThakurRahul Jaisheel (Co-Founders).

RedWolf is an indie clothing brand started by three boys with a degree in engineering and a thirst for nothing conventional or mainstream mass produced. Along with minimalistic, graphic tees, they also stock laptop skins, sweatshirts, posters and designs taken from select Indian Indie artists and other groups.

12) Tappu Ki Dukaan
Key People – Sneha Raisoni (Founder).

Tappu Ki Dukaan has some super innovative home and kitchen décor with customized food mats and aprons and bookshelves and everything else you and your new roommate would need to make your apartment party ready (they have products for your bar as well). Along with this, TKD also stocks graphic tees, accessories, stationery and more.

13) The Big Bag Theory
Key People – Meghana Ogale (Founder).

The Big Bag Theory offers a characteristically quirky range of bags (obviously), coasters, aprons, cushion covers and more, with graphic designs that have hilarious booze-y and funny one-liners.

14) The Elephant Company
Key People – Gautam Kitchlu (Co-Founder & CEO).

The Elephant Company provides you with a variety of home décor, textiles, dining and furniture collections with interesting Warli and Aztec prints. They also have t-shirts and umbrellas that are further diversified from your usual funny one liner tees.

15) Tungs10
Key People – Kunal Raheja and Kani Satyavee (Co-Founders).

Tungs10 has a range of funky, Indianised clothing, accessories and home décor products that exude elegance and charm. For their products, they pay more attention to Indianised art and design than pop culture quotes and that’s what sets them apart.


Think we missed out on a few quirky e-commerce websites in this list? Let us know in the comments section.

Note: Companies have been arranged in alphabetical order. The list does not indicate any rank system or hierarchy.


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Flipkart’s Brand New Office Video Will Blow Your Mind and Make You Want To Quit Your Job

[mashshare] As some wise man had someday said, “If you make your hobby your profession, there would not go a single day where you get bored at work”. Flipkart’s new workspace treads on the same path, and if you watch their new video “Brave New World”, you can’t help but get inspired.

Flipkart began its journey back in 2007 when the Indian eCommerce industry was new to most. Sachin and Binny Bansal had some thoughts which they converted into a kickass idea, but the conviction to convert ideas into action and that into results is what defines a true success story. Flipkart surely has got it right.
And now with this wow and awe-spiring workspace that Flipkart has created, one sees the video and immediately wants to spend the lifetime working at such a cool office in India.
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This Zomato’s UX Designer Job Ad Takes Recruitment Advertising To Another Level


Zomato is known for its highly creative and witty social media posts. When it comes to conveying a message in a minimalist yet super effective way, Zomato hits a homerun. A great example of one such social media post/ad by Zomato is their recent UX designer job ad. This post is a pure piece of genius; combining a witty yet minimalist graphic with an impactful message. Every recruiter, entrepreneur and hiring specialist should take cue from this ad.

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